Eric - Return to function and sport after lumbar disc herniation

“In August 2021, I suffered a season – ending hockey injury resulting in a severely herniated disc. Prior to my injury, I was reasonably fit but did not participate in any sort of strength training regimen. I played hockey competitively two to three times a week, in an athletically demanding position requiring a high level of balance and core strength. After the injury, my herniated disc resulted in a case of sciatica so severe that I could barely leave the bed for a month. I could barely walk, could not run, I couldn’t even lay flat without severe pain. I had trouble doing even basic tasks around the house such as picking up my laundry hamper or feeding my dog. I came to Jeremy for help and have been participating in his strength training program for almost five months. Jeremy’s background with my type of injury allowed him to create a modified weightlifting program specifically tailored to my situation. Starting from basic body weight movements, I have progressed to personal records for my four foundational types of lifts. It is incredible that despite my injuries, Jeremy has coached me into being the strongest I’ve ever been in my entire life. Today, I still experience extremely mild amounts of pain, but my range of motion has returned to normal and I’m able to complete all my daily tasks. Strength training has given me confidence in my movement again. I am looking forward to returning to playing very soon. I know that when I do, I will be more resilient to injury while performing better than I have ever done due to the stability my strength training has given my back and core. I hope to go on to continue my athletic career to the same or even higher levels of performance than before my injury.”